Here Come The Food Trucks
The food truck trend offers advantages to both the consumer and the vendor. The trucks can be found all over the city; in the parks, near downtown, and at all the craft shows, special events, and carnivals. You don’t need reservations, though a successful truck often has long lines waiting for their specialties. The food is sometimes more expensive than the traditional burger or hot dog kiosk, but the specialty trucks that offer Italian, Greek, Indian, and Asian cuisine are cheaper than going to restaurants for those foods. And it is kind of nice to be able to try out a variety of different cultural offerings without paying huge prices.
For the vendors, food trucks have lower overhead than a standard restaurant, can vary their menus according to seasons and costs, and have the ability to pick up and move to a busier location. However, while it is a real advantage for them to be able to flexibly change their hours, days, locations, and menus…to literally follow the crowd…it does cause a bit of a problem for the consumer who was craving Korean barbecue and cannot find the truck.
Therefore, you have basically two choices. If you are going to be out and about all day and evening, you can take your chances and enjoy a repast at whichever food truck you run into when you get hungry. Or, you can check on twitter or Facebook to see where your favorite food truck is hanging out that day.
This can be a little time consuming, since many of the food trucks are somewhat transient; here one day and gone the next. They also can be hired to be at specific locations for special events, which takes them away from their normal routes. To that end, we are listing a few of the trucks that are open at this time…but please, give them a call, email them, or go to social media before taking off.
Fuku Burger – In Japanese this means “lucky.” Their burgers have an Asian flair.
Phone: 702-217-0758
Ben’s Bar-B-Que
Ben’s BBQ
Sin City Wings – Wings, tenders, and pot stickers with an amazing variety of sauces.
Sin City Wings
Great Bao – These are Chinese buns stuffed with various goodies, but they also offer sesame noodle dishes.
Great Bao
Sausagefest – More than just hot dogs and veggie dogs, you can choose Cajun, Moroccan, Filipino, Italian and more.
Curbside Café –Angus beef, chicken, and vegetarian burgers, kosher dogs, calamari tacos, blackened mahi.
Curbside Cafe