Shedonism 2014
According to Webster’s dictionary the meaning of hedonism is the belief that pleasure or happiness is the most important goal in life. Add the letter “s” to the word and you have S(he)donism which puts the feminine twist into such a belief. Shedonism, scheduled for September 3-8, 2014, is the official affair for lesbian women during Las Vegas Pride. It encourages women to release their inner locked behaviors and do the things they would unlikely do amongst the company of friends or in their home state. This is one reason why Las Vegas is the best location for such an event. Your secrets are safe here; you know the saying “Everything that happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas”.
While most states select to hold their annual pride events in the summer months, Las Vegas elected the month of September to celebrate, but hey September weather in Vegas is like summer weather in other states. Las Vegas began hosting the Shedonism Lesbian Las Vegas Pride event around 2011. Every year the event has improved immensely to include bigger and better events and venues.
This year’s event host hotel is The Rumor Boutique Resort, which is located on 455 East Harmon Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89169. While they have some room specials allotted for the event, you may want to reserve a room soon because they seem to moving very quickly. The events range from clubs, performances, tournaments and the Las Vegas Pride Parade on Saturday. If you have about five or six days to celebrate or you just want to take part in the Parade, then log on to shedonismvegas.com and check out the current lineup.